Fast, effective filtration for Open Kettle fryers 634|734 and Donut Robot® Mark VI. Melts, filters and tops up fryer shortening.
The quiet hero of your Open Kettle or Donut Robot® system, EZMelt is simple and efficient. It inserts directly below your Open Kettle or Donut Robot® fryer.
- Need to top up shortening in the fryer? Push the pedal and it’s done.
- Want to add a solid block of shortening? Put the cube on the cube cutter.
- Time to filter out debris and fine particulates? 1 -2 minutes and it’s over.
- Want to empty the filter mesh? Just tip the contents into any waste container.
The EZMelt filtration system is the only filtration system recommended if you use Trans Fat-free shortening! Belshaw’s SF models filters do not heat shortening and can clog inside the pump.
Use with
634, 734 CG-FG, Donut Robot® Mark VI
Comparison of EZMelt and SF filtration systems
EZMelt Filters include a heating element to keep shortening warm. SF Filters do not include a heating element. This makes the EZMelt a lot more convenient to use in many ways.
- If Zero Trans Fat shortening is used, the shortening gradually becomes thicker at normal bakery temperatures. This can lead to pump blockages and failures with standard filters. Keeping the shortening warm overcomes this problem. The EZMelt does this, the unheated SF models do not.
- When using SF model filters, you must filter shortening and pump it back to the fryer right away. If shortening is left in the filter for a long period it will become solid. It will be a difficult job to transfer this shortening manually to the fryer.
- SF models do not include a direct hose connection to the fryer, because instant refills (using the pump) require warm liquid shortening. Shortening needs to be added manually to the fryer.
- Pumping reheated shortening through a fixed connection to the fryer is faster and safer than any other method, such as dropping in shortening blocks.
- EZMelts can refill shortening with a push of a foot pedal. No cutting and inserting solid shortening blocks directly to the fryer!